Looking to bring mindfulness to your organization?

Get in touch!

Call us : (818) 930 - 0296

Email us: matiya@theconsciouslygroup.com

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Frequently Asked

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness at it’s core is a moment-to-moment awareness of one’s experience, thoughts, feelings, and environment, without judgment or overreaction. Mindfulness encompasses a wide variety of practices such as meditation, mindful communication, breathwork, mindful writing, and more. Mindfulness allows us to pause, observe, and consciously choose our thoughts and actions, curating a mental environment for ourselves where we can be happy and at peace.

Why should my company offer mindfulness training?

Mindfulness has many benefits to organizations and their employees. Your company can expect to see many benefits including increased productivity and creativity, decreased absenteeism, presenteeism, and turnover, improved employee communication and teamwork, and much more.

Offering mindfulness training and resources is a great way to offer employees support in their personal and professional lives. In the last two years, adults reporting anxiety and depression has increased to levels 4x higher than before the pandemic. Mindfulness provides us the tools we need to regulate these emotions and improve our mental healthy, physical health, and overall well-being.

Does mindfulness really work?

Yes! Mindfulness & its benefits have been widely studied since the 1970’s when Jon Kabat-Zinn created the first scientifically-backed mindfulness program at the University of Massachusetts. Since then, the benefits of mindfulness have been realized around the world, aiding people in living happier, healthier lives.

It's time.

It has never been more important to provide your employees with the resources to be more productive, happier, and healthier.