Mindfulness Coaching

Provide your team access to 1:1 mindfulness coaching when they need it.

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1:1 Mindfulness Coaching

Individual coaching can be offered in-person and remotely to all employees. Subscribe to regular 'office hours' or an open calendar model that allows employees to book mindfulness coaching on their own time, when they need it.

It has never been more important to provide mental wellness support to your organization. Over the last two years we have seen employee's levels of anxiety, depression, and burnout skyrocket. Companies are seeing employees leave their jobs at unprecedented rates as there has been a large shift in how we view our time value and our views on employment.

Organizations need to be proactive in how they support their employees. Providing access to mindfulness coaching is not only a great tool to attract and retain employees, but it allows your employees to be their happiest, most productive selves.

It's time.

It has never been more important to provide your employees with the resources to be happier, healthier, and more productive.

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